This collection of easy Penne Pasta Recipes will give you plenty of ideas to cook with your favorite pasta shape. For something super simple, try this...
Spaghetti Carbonara is one of the most famous Pasta Recipes of Roman Cuisine. It's a simple pasta dish, whose authentic recipe wants only 5 simple ingredients:...
This pasta dish is loved all over Italy. It is eaten by families at gatherings or celebrations and is also something the monks I visited at the Abbazia...
Try to get hold of Tipo '00' - this is a very finely sieved flour which is normally used for making egg pasta or cakes. In Italy it's called farina di...
Creamy and comforting, with a hit of chilli and lots of lovely herbs to liven it up, this pasta dish is super-satisfying. Cauliflower is a great source...
This recipe is an absolute hit with everyone who eats it - even my husband, who professes not to like spinach! The combination of the four cheeses is its...
During a fantastic post-graduation summer in Milan, where Amanda set off (portfolio in hand) to find a job in the fashion industry, she and her friends...
Making homemade pasta in Italy is an ancient art: from the fresh pasta sheet you get tagliolini or tagliatelle, ravioli or tortellini and the everlasting...
This is a brilliant dish for days when you want comfort food, but with a bit of zing. It's packed with green veggies, silky fresh pasta, and fragrant lemon....
Amish macaroni salad is a sweet macaroni salad with a bit of a tangy crunch from all the delicious veggies folded in side. Super creamy and a perfect cold...
Classic macaroni salad is a creamy and delicious pasta salad side dish perfect for parties, picnics and pot lucks. Mayo and honey mustard combined with...
I've made many a macaroni cheese in my time, but this, I promise you, is the best ever. To make this for 4 people, just double the ingredients and use...
Brilliantly simple, this big-flavour pasta dish can be prepped in minutes, with incredible flavour and texture built up from its time in the oven. Kissed...
Making fresh ravioli is not as scary as people think and you don't need any fancy kit. The principle recipe here is 100g flour to 3 egg yolks per portion,...
Each of these raviolo is filled with delicate ricotta and a whole egg yolk, which remains nice and runny. It's a seriously lush pasta dish that pairs beautifully...
Baked lasagne is the most practical of dishes - it can be prepared well in advance and needs no more than a shove in the direction of the oven at the appropriate...
In Italian, a puttanesca is a 'lady of the night', which is why at home we always refer to this recipe as tart's spaghetti. Presumably the sauce has adopted...
This Pasta Al Forno is the ultimate comfort food, because it is amazing when you need an easy meal. You know from the first bite it will become a staple...